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The discussion "Stolen Children. How to bring them back?" was the first event of the cultural and artistic events within the Stolen Childhood exhibition.

The deportation of Ukrainian children by the aggressor country began in 2014. Children taken to Russia and children living in the temporarily occupied territories are brought up outside the Ukrainian ethnic tradition and are fostered to hate Ukraine. Being raised outside of one's place of origin is a form of genocide.

The complex issues of returning Ukrainian children and bringing the perpetrators to justice will be discussed by Anton Korynevych, Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Yanina Tertychna, Head of the Department for Child Protection and Counteraction to Violence, Office of the Prosecutor General, Oleksandra Dvoretska, Advisor to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Office of the Ombudsman of Ukraine, Anastasia Stepula, Advocacy Advisor, Ukrainian Child Rights Network, Yaroslava Volvach, Head of Investigations,